An admixture is a material, usually a liquid, which is added to a batch of concrete during mixing in order to modify the properties of the fresh or hardened concrete in some way. Most admixtures benefit concrete by reducing the amount of free water required for a given level of consistence, often in addition to some other specific improvement. Permeability is thereby reduced and durability increased. There are occasions when the use of an admixture is not only desirable but also essential.

Because admixtures are added to concrete mixes in small
quantities, they should be used only when a high degree of control can be exercised. Incorrect dosage of an admixture - either too much or too little - may adversely affect the strength and other properties of the concrete.

BS EN 934-2 replaces BS 5075 in specifying the requirements for the main types of admixture:
n Normal  water-reducing
n Accelerating  water-reducing
n Retarding  water-reducing
n Air-entraining
n Super plasticizing / high range water reducing.

Water-reducing admixtures act by reducing the inter-particle attraction between cement particles and produce a more uniform dispersion of the cement grains. The cement paste is better 'lubricated', and hence the amount of water needed to obtain a given consistence can be reduced.
 This effect may be beneficial in one of three ways:
1. Added to a normal concrete at normal dosage, they produce an increase in slump of about 50 mm. This can be useful with
high-strength concrete, rich in cement, which would otherwise be too stiff to place.
2. The water content can be reduced while maintaining the same cement content and consistence; this results in a reduced water/cement ratio (by about 10%), and therefore increased strength and improved durability. This can also be useful for reducing bleeding in concrete prone to this problem, or for increasing the cohesion and thereby reducing segregation in concrete of high consistence class, or in harsh mixes sometimes arising with angular aggregates, or low sand contents, or when the sand is deficient in fines.
3. A given strength and consistence class can be achieved with a reduced cement content. The water/cement ratio is kept constant, and with a lower water content the cement content can be reduced accordingly. This property should never be used if the cement content would thereby be reduced below the minimum specified.

Overdosing may result in retardation and/or a degree of air- entrainment, but does not necessarily increase the workability and therefore may not be of any benefit in fresh concrete.

Accelerating water-reducing admixtures
Accelerators increase the initial rate of chemical reaction between the cement and the water so that the concrete stiffens, hardens,and develops strength more quickly. They have a negligible effect on consistence, and 28-day strengths are seldom affected.

Accelerating admixtures have been used mainly during cold weather when the slowing down of the chemical reaction between cement and water due to low temperature could be offset by the increased speed of reaction resulting from the use of the accelerator. The most widely used accelerator for some time was calcium chloride but, because the presence of chlorides, even in small amounts, increases the risk of corrosion, the use oadmixtures containing chlorides is now prohibited in all concrete containing embedded metal.

Accelerators are sometimes marketed under other names such as hardeners, anti-freezes on frost-proffers, but no accelerator is a true anti-freeze and the use of an accelerator does not avoid the need to protect the concrete from the cold by keeping it warm (with insulation) after it has been placed.

NOTE: Accelerators are ineffective in mortars because the thickness of mortar, either in a joint or on a rendering, is such that any heat generated by the faster reaction is quickly dissipated.

Retarding water - reducing admixtures

These are chemicals that slow down the initial reaction between cement and water by reducing the rate of water penetration to the cement and slowing down the growth of the hydration products. The concrete therefore stays workable longer than it would otherwise.

The length of time during which a concrete remains workable depends on its temperature, consistence class, and water/cement ratio, and on the amount of retarder used. Although the occasions justifying the use of retarders in the UK are limited, these admixtures may be helpful when one or more of the following conditions apply:
n In warm weather, when the ambient temperature is higher than about 20°C, to prevent early stiffening ('going-off') and loss owork ability, which would otherwise make placing and finishing difficult
n When a large pour of concrete will take several hours and must be constructed without already placed concrete hardening before subsequent concrete is merged with it (i.e. without a cold joint)
n When the complexity of slip forming demands a slow rate of rise
n When there is a delay of half an hour or more between mixing and placing - for example, when ready-mixed concrete is being used and when there may be traffic delays and/or long hauls. This can be seriously aggravated during hot weather, especially if the concrete has a high cement content.

The amount of retardation can be varied - usually up to about four to six hours - by altering the dosage, but longer delays can be obtained for special purposes.

While the early strength of concrete is reduced by using a retarder, which may affect formwork striking times, the 7- and 28-day strengths are not likely to be significantly affected.

Retarded concrete needs careful proportioning to minimise bleeding due to the longer period during which the concrete remains fresh.
Air-entraining admixtures
These may be organic vinsol resins or synthetic surfactants that entrain a controlled amount of air in concrete in the form of small air bubbles. The bubbles need to be very small, about 0.05 mm (50 microns) in diameter and well dispersed.

The main reason for using an air-entraining admixture is that the presence of tiny air bubbles in the hardened concrete increases its resistance to the action of freezing and thawing, especially when aggravated by the application of de-icing salts and fluids.
Saturated concrete - as most external paving concrete will be - can be seriously affected by the freezing of water in the capillary voids, which will expand and tend to burst it. But if the concrete is air-entrained, the small air bubbles, which intersect the capillaries and remain unfilled with water even when the concrete is saturated,
act as pressure relief valves and cushion the expansive effect by providing voids into which the water can expand as it freezes, without disrupting the concrete. When the ice melts, surface tension effects draw the water back out of the bubbles.

Air-entrained concrete should be specified and used for all forms of external paving, from major roads and airfield runways down to garage drives and footpaths, which are likely to be subjected to severe freezing and to de-icing salts. These may either be applied directly or come from the spray of passing traffic or by dripping from the underside of vehicles. Figure 4 shows the difference in freeze/thaw resistance between air-entrained and non air-entrained concrete.

The volume of air entrainment relates to maximum aggregate size Dmax  (see Table 7). With a reduction in Dmax, the specified air content increases. Air content should be specified by minimum value.  Thus most heavy-duty concrete pavements, including roads and airport runways with their Dmax  of 40 mm, require a minimum air content of 2.5%. The specified minimum air content increases
to 3.5% for 20 mm and 5.5% for 10 mm Dmax  sizes. The maximum permitted air content is generally 4% greater than the minimum.

Air-entrainment also affects the properties of the fresh concrete. The minute air bubbles act like ball bearings and have a plasticizing effect, resulting in higher consistence. Concrete that is
lacking in cohesion, are harsh, or which tends to bleed excessively, is greatly improved by air-entrainment. Air-entrainment also reduces the risk of plastic settlement and plastic shrinkage cracks. There is also evidence that uniformity of colour is improved and surface blemishes reduced.

Table :  Air contents of air-entrained concrete in accordance with
BS EN 206-1 .

Nominal maximum aggregate size, Dmax

Minimum volume of entrained air

Maximum volume of entrained air
40 mm
20 mm
10 mm

One factor which has to be taken into account when using air- entrained concrete is that the strength of the concrete is reduced, by about 5% for every 1% of air entrained. However, the plasticizing effect of the admixture means that the water content of the concrete can be reduced, which will offset most of the strength loss which would otherwise occur, but even so some increase in cement content is likely to be required as well.

The amount of air entrained for a given dosage can be affected by several factors: changes in sand grading, variation in temperature and mixing time. These may call for adjustments to the dosage for uniformity of air content to be maintained. When pfa is present in the concrete, a considerably increased dosage of air-entraining admixture may be required. The measurement of air content in the fresh concrete is described in BS 1881 : Part 106 anBS EN 12350-7. Brief details are given on page 57 under Air content test.

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