It is well known that water expands when it freezes. This can cause permanent damage and disruption if freezing is allowed to occur within fresh concrete, or in hardened concrete that has not developed much strength. For practical purposes it has been found that, provided the concrete has achieved a strength of 5 N/mm2, it can resist the expansive forces caused by the freezing of the water in the concrete.
For most concrete this critical strength is reached within about 48 hours when the temperature of the concrete has been kept above 5°C.

The gain of strength is delayed at low temperatures so it is necessary to protect concrete against cold for some time after placing. Thin sections normally require more protection and for a longer period than thicker ones, corners and edges being particularly vulnerable.

Many of the precautions that can be taken to protect concrete from cold make use of the heat that concrete generates as it hardens. However, this is effective only if the concrete temperature is sufficiently high at the time of placing for the heat evolution to start rapidly. To this end the temperature of the concrete when placed in the for m should never be less than 5°C, preferably not below 10°C. To achieve this, the concrete temperature in the
mixer or ready-mixed concrete truck needs to be higher to allow for heat losses during transportation and placing. Some ready- mixed plants can deliver heated concrete.

It should be noted that it is important for prevent water loss from newly laid concrete, see Curing on page 46.

Raising the temperature
The easiest way to raise the temperature of the fresh concrete is to heat the mixing water. Aggregates should be free from ice and snow because it requires as much heat to melt the ice as to heat the same quantity of water from C to 80°C. Aggregates should be covered and kept as dry as possible. Heated water should be added to the mixer before the cement so that its temperature will be lowered by contact with the mixer and the aggregates. If this is not done there could be a flash set when hot water comes into contact with the cement.

Sometimes, in very cold weather, aggregates also must be heated to achieve the desired concrete temperature. This can be done by injecting live steam or using hot air blowers, closed steam coils or electric heating mats. Live steam probably produces the most uniform heating, but the increased moisture content needs to be allowed for in determining batch weights.

If concrete with a sufficiently high initial temperature is prevented from losing heat to its surroundings, the heat evolved during setting and hardening will protect it from damage by freezing. Thus, formwork should be insulated (in this respect it should bnoted that 19 mm of plywood has fairly good insulating properties on its own) and slabs should be covered with insulating mats immediately after laying (Figure 23). The tops of walls ancolumns are particularly vulnerable and should be covered with insulating material.

Strength development
Both the early and subsequent strength development in cold weather can be accelerated using a water-reducing admixture or more conveniently by increasing the strength class of concrete.

External in-situ paving is particularly vulnerable to the effect of low temperatures because of the large surface area, which loses heat quickly. In addition, slabs are open to drying winds that can add a chilling factor to the effects of low temperature. There is a variety of materials and methods that can be used for protecting and providing insulation to exposed concrete surfaces, ranging from
plastic sheeting and tarpaulins to proprietary insulating mats. As an indication of the relative merits of different methods, tarpaulin or plastic sheeting enclosing a 50 mm dead air space has about the same insulating value as 19 mm thick timber; but proprietary insulation mats (Figure 23) are more effective.

Table :  Minimum period before striking formwork (concrete made with CEM I or SRPC).

Mean air temperature (°C)
Sides to beams, walls and columns (hours)
Soffits to slabs, props left under (days)
Props to slabs
Soffits to beams, props left under (days)
Props to beams (days)

These times are based on a well-managed concreting operation that includes effective curing.
It may be necessary in cold conditions to instruct the supplier to reduce or eliminate the proportion of any ggbs or pfa
For concretes containing pfa or ggbs recommended striking times should be increased. Full details are given in CIRIA Report 1 36.

Minimum striking times
The use of cements with pfa or ggbs in cold weather presents a particular problem because these concretes are more adversely affected than ordinary Portland cement concretes due to their slower gain of strength. It should be noted that Table 14 applies only to concrete made with CEM I or SRPC

Cold weather delays the stiffening of concrete, and ground floor slabs, for example, are likely to take considerably longer than normal before the trowelling operations can be started.

Plant and equipment
Preparations for winter working should be made well in advance of the onset of cold weather, and the necessary plant and equipment made ready for use when required. Modifications in site organisation to help keep work going in winter may not always be applicable, but they should be considered because their cost is usually small in relation to the benefits of a smooth flow of work, a quicker end to the job and no idle labour. One technique that may be considered is the total enclosure of the work area with, for instance, polythene sheeting fixed to the scaffolding, and the usof space heaters within this enclosure. Consideration should also be given to the use of cements of higher strength class such a42,5R or 52,5 (formerly known as rapid-hardening Portland cement) or the use of a higher strength class of concrete, which will give an increased rate of strength gain leading to the ability to strike forms earlier than would be possible with the concrete originally specified.

Weather records
Keeping weather records and planning with an eye to the weather forecast is necessary for efficient winter working. Records of maximum and minimum temperatures, together with a more continuous record during working hours, will help towards an assessment of maturity and formwork striking times. This assessment should take account of wind and cloud cover because the temperature of the concrete is the factor that matters and this is not always the same as the air temperature. On a windy, cloudless night concrete can be cooled below the air temperature. The weather forecast is available by telephone or via the internetand is an invaluable guide to the planning of winter work. Freezing conditions can usually be predicted and precautions taken. Specifications frequently call for precautions to be taken at

particular temperatures, depending on whether the temperature is rising or falling.

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