It is possible for the reaction to take place in the concrete without inducing expansion. Damage may not occur, even when the reaction product is spread throughout the concrete, and the gel may fill cracks induced by some other mechanism.
Recommendations are available for minimizing the risk of damage from ASR in new concrete construction, based on ensuring that at least one of the three factors listed above is absent.

Two essential properties of hardened concrete are durability and strength. Both properties are affected by the voids and capillaries in the concrete, which are caused by excessive water or by incomplete compaction.

In principle the lower the free water/cement ratio the stronger and more durable the concrete will be. The concrete should be fully compacted if it is to retain or exclude water and provide corrosion protection to reinforcement.

Within the UK, the producer is normally required to take action to prevent damaging alkali-silica reaction and therefore provisions in the specification are not normally required.

The required consistence needs to be known at the time of specification so that the concrete can be proportioned to give the required strength and durability. High-strength concretes can be designed and proportioned to a very high or self-compacting consistence so overcoming conditions that make placing or vibration difficult.

The methods of specification and what to specify are given in BS 8500-1. Three types of concrete - designed, prescribed and standardized prescribed concretes - are recognized by BS EN
206-1 , but BS 8500 adds two more: designated and proprietary concretes.
Designed concretes
These are concretes for which the producer is responsible for selecting the mix proportions to meet the required performance as communicated by the specifier. Therefore it is essential that the specifier, in compiling the specification, takes account of:
n The uses of the fresh and hardened concrete
n The curing  conditions
n The dimensions of the structure; this affects heat development
n The environmental exposure conditions
n Surface finish
n Maximunominal aggregate size
n Restrictions on suitability of materials.
The most common form of designed concrete is that defined bthe characteristic compressive strength at 28 days and identified by the strength class. For example, strength class C25/30 concrete is one having a characteristic compressive cube strength o30 N/mm2 at 28 days. (The same concrete would have characteristic cylinder strength of 25 N/mm2  at 28 days if cylinders were used for testing, as in certain European countries.) To understand the meaning of the term 'characteristic' see Strength on page 26.

However, strength alone does not necessarily define the required durability, and for structural concrete BS 8500 indicates minimum strength class, the maximum free water/cement ratio anminimum cement content that are required for different degrees of exposure. The maximum free water/cement ratio, minimucement content and types of constituent materials are the main factors influencing durability.

If a specification for designed concrete is to be compiled correctly the following details need to be included:

  • A requirement to conform to BS 5328, or BS EN 206-1 and BS 8500-2
  • The compressive strength class
  • The limiting values of composition e.g. maximum free water/cement ratio, minimum cement content or the design chemical class where appropriate
  • Type of cement or combination
  • The maximum aggregate  size
  • The chloride class
  • The consistence  class.

Optional items may be included such as the target density of lightweight concrete,  heat development or other technical requirements listed in BS 8500 : Part 1.

At the time of publication, the use of Form A in BS 5328 : Part 2 is recommended when specifying designed concretes. A copy is reproduced in this publication in Appendix 1 a, which can be used for this purpose by ringing the appropriate items.

Conformity of designed concretes is usually determined by strength testing of 100 mm or 150 mm cubes and in BS 8500 this is the responsibility of the producer.  Recommendations about the required rate of sampling are given in BS 5328 and BS EN 206-1 .

The producer will respond to the specificatioby producing a  mix design that satisfies all of the specified requirements.  Mix design methods are described in several publications and the subject will not be dealt wit h in any great detail here.

Prescribed concretes
These are concretes where the specification gives the mix proportions in kilograms of each constituent in order to satisfy particular performance requirements. Such concretes seldom need to be used but may be required for special surface finishes or where particular properties are required. The specifier should include details of the cement content, the type and strength class of cement and either the free water/cement ratio or consistence class.

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