The strength of concrete is normally specified by strength class, that is the 28-day characteristic compressive strength of specimens made from the fresh concrete under standardized conditions. The results of strength tests are used routinely for both control of production and contractual conformity purposes.
Characteristic strength is defined as that level of strength below which a specified proportion of all valid test results is expected to fall. Unless otherwise stated, this proportion is taken to be 5%. Test cubes - either 100 mm or 150 mm - are the specimens normally used in the UK and most other European countries, but cylinders are used elsewhere. Because their shapes are differentthe strength test results, even from the same concretes of the same ages, are also different, cylinders being weaker than cubes. For normal-weight aggregates, cylinders are about 80% as strong as cubes, whereas cylinders made from lightweight aggregates have 90% of the corresponding cube strength.

Accordingly the strength classes recognized in BS EN 206-1 / BS 8500 are classified in terms of both values, with the cylinder strength followed by the cube strength. The standard compressive strength classes are listed in Table 9.

Table :  Concrete compressive strength classes taken from
BS EN 206-1 .

Concrete compressive strength classes
Concrete made with normal-weighaggregates
Concrete made with lightweight  aggregates
C55/ 67

In principle, the compressive strength may be determined from cores cut from the hardened concrete. Core tests are normally made only when there is some doubt about the quality of concrete placed, for example, if cube strengths have been unsatisfactory or to assist in determining the strength and quality of an existing structure for which records are not available.

Great care needs to be taken in the interpretation of the results of core testing: core samples drilled from the in-situ concrete are expected to be lower in strength than the cubes made, cured and tested under standard laboratory conditions.

For more information see Test cores on page 58. The standard reference for core testing is BS EN 12504-1 and a useful guide is given in Concrete Society Digest No. 9

Flexural and indirect tensile strength
The tensile strength of concrete is generally taken to be about one- tenth of its compressive strength, but different aggregates cause this proportion to vary and a compressive test is therefore only a very general guide to the tensile strength

The indirect tensile strength (cylinder splitting) is seldom specified nowadays. Flexural testing of specimens, to measure the modulus of rupture, may be used on some airfield runway contracts where the method of design is based on the modulus of rupture, and for some precast products such as flags and kerbs.

Durability of concrete
Concrete has to be durable and resistant to various environments ranging from mild to most severe, including weathering, chemical attack, abrasion, freeze/thaw attack and fire. In addition, for reinforced and prestressed concrete, the cover concrete must provide protection against the ingress of moisture and air, which would eventually cause corrosion of the embedded steel.

The strength of the concrete alone is not necessarily a reliable
guide to the durability of concrete; many other factors also have to be taken into account. Of all the factors influencing the durability
of concrete the most important is that of impermeability. The degree of impermeability is mainly dependent on:
  •  Constituents of the concrete, and in particular the free water/cement ratio
  •   Compaction, to eliminate air voids
  •   Curing, to ensure continuing hydration.

Table :  Typical relationships between free water/cement ratio, aggregate type, consistence class and Portland cement content.

Free w/ c ratio

Type of aggregate

Consistence/slump class

S1(1 0  - 4 0 mm )

S2 (5 0 - 9 0 mm )

S 3 (100-15 0 mm )
Free water           Cement demand             content (litres/m3 )           (kg/m 3 )
Free water          Cement demand             content (litres/m3 )           (kg/m 3 )
Free water            Cement demand              content (litres/m3 )            (kg/m 3 )



160                      230
190                      270

180                     260
210                     300

195                       280
225                       325

160                      265
190                      315
180                     300
210                     350
195                       325
225                       375

160                      320
190                      380
180                     360
210                     420
195                       390
225                       450

160                      400
190                      475
180                     450
210                     525
195                       490
225                       565
1.  20 mm maximum aggregate size.
2.  Uncrushed - natural gravels and natural sands.
Crushed - crushed gravel or rock and crushed sand.
.             .                                       water demand
3.  For a given consistence class, cement content =    free w/c ratio
4.  Where concrete contains a water-reducing admixture the relationship will be different.
   S.  Actual free water demands may vary from the above values by ±10 litres/m3 and corresponding adjustments to the cement contents may be required.

Table :  Exposure classes.

Class designation

Class description
Concrete without reinforcement or embedded metal
Concrete with reinforcement or embedded metal in very dry conditions
All exposures with no freeze/thaw, abrasion or chemical attack
Corrosion induced by carboration
Dry or permanetly wet
Wet, rarely dry
Moderate humidity or cyclic wet and dry
Corrosion induced by chloride from seawater
Exposure to airborne salt but not in direct contact with seawater
Permanently submerged
Tidal, splash and spray zones
Corrosion induced by chloride other than seawater
Moderate humidity Wet, rarely dry Cyclic wet and dry
Freeze/thaw attack
Moderate water saturation without de-icing agent Moderate water saturation with de-icing agent High water saturation without de-icing agent
High water saturation with de-icing agent
Chemical attack. Sulfate classification is given in BS 8500

Although free water/cement ratio is the main factor affecting impermeability, and hence durability, it cannot easily be measured either in the fresh or hardened concrete. However, for a particular aggregate type and grading, the water demand for the same consistence class is more or less constant and is independent othe cement content. Therefore, by knowing the water demand for a particular consistence class the cement content can be evaluated for the required and specified free water/cement ratio. This is illustrated in Table 10.

Exposure Classes
It is recommended that exposure classes be given 'X' codesranging from XO for mild exposure through the following codes for exposure to different causes of deterioration:
  • XA for exposure to chemical attack
  • XC for risk of corrosion induced by carbonation
  • XS for exposure to the sea and sea spray
  • XD for exposure to chlorides from sources other than the sea
  • XF for risk of freeze/thaw attack (with and without salt present.

Each group (apart from X0, mild exposure class) has a ranking system from 1 to 3 or 4 depending on the severity of the exposure. The exposure classes and their descriptions are listed in Table 11. Guidance on limiting values recommended as being suitable for resisting these exposure classes is given in BS 8500.

With increasing severity of exposure the free water/cement ratio needs to be decreased since durability is related to the concrete's impermeability. It should also be noted that requirements for exposure classes tend to include requirements for lowest strengths of concrete. In the past, specified strengths tended to be lowethan the minimum recommended for durability because the earlier specifications were largely related to structural rather thadurability requirements.

In addition to the capillary voids (pores), which are dependent on the water/cement ratio, air pockets or voids and even large cavities or 'honeycombing' may also be present if the concrete has not been fully compacted. Concrete that has not been properly compacted because of bad workmanship or because the midesign made compaction difficult can result in a porous concrete, which may, for example, allow water seepage as well as easy ingress of air and chemicals harmful to concrete. Well-compacted concrete should not contain more than 1 % of entrapped air.

This subject is considered in more detail in the section entitlePlacing and compaction on page 34.

The importance of curing in relation to durability is seldom fully appreciated. It is essential that proper curing techniques are used to reduce the permeability of concrete by ensuring the continued hydration process. The formation of the reaction products, which fill up the capillary voids, ceases when the concrete dries to below
80% relative humidity.

Detailed information is given in Table 17 on page 46, from which it should be noted that longer curing periods are required when cements containing additions are used.

Many defects in reinforced concrete are the result of insufficient cover, leading to reinforcement corrosion. Too often, not enough care is given to the fixing of reinforcement to ensure that the specified minimum cover is achieved. The position of the reinforcement, and its cover, should be checked before and during concreting, and may need to be checked after the concrete has hardened. Further information about cover is given in the section titled Reinforcement on page 41 .

Reinforcement embedded in good concrete with an adequate depth of cover is protected against corrosion by the highly alkaline pore water in the hardened cement paste. Loss of alkalinity of the concrete can be caused by the carbon dioxide in the air reacting with and neutralizing the free lime. This reaction is called carbonation and if it reaches the reinforcement, corrosion wiloccur in moist environments.

Carbonation is a slow process progressing from the surface and dependent on the permeability of the concrete and the humidity of the environment. Provided that the depth of cover and quality of concrete are correctly specified and achieved to suit the exposure conditions, corrosion due to carbonation should not occur during the lifetime of the structure.

Resistance to freezing and thawing
The freeze/thaw resistance of concrete depends on its impermeability and the degree of saturation when exposed to frost; concrete with a higher degree of saturation is more liable tdamage. The use of salt for de-icing roads greatly increases the risk of freeze/thaw damage.

The benefits of air-entrained concrete have been referred to on page 16 under Air-entraining admixtures where it was recommended that all exposed horizontal paved areas, from motorways to garage drives, footpaths and marine structures, should be air-entrained. Alternatively, the strength of concrete should be SO N/mm2 or more. Whilst C50 concrete is suitable for many situations, it does not have the same freeze/thaw resistance as air-entrained concrete.  Similarly, those parts of structures adjacent to highways and in car parks, likely to be splashed or come into contact with salt or salt solution used for de-icing, should also be air-entrained.

Particular care needs to be taken to ensure that the concrete is properly cured (see the section on Curing on page 45).

Resistance to chemical attack
Portland cement concrete is attacked by acids and by acid fumes, including organic acids, which are often produced when foodstuffs are being processed. Vinegar, fruit juices, silage effluent, sour milk and sugar solutions all attack concrete. In general, concrete made with Portland cement is not recommended for use in acidic conditions where the pH is 5.5 or less without careful consideration of the type of exposure and the intended construction. Alkalis have little effect on concrete.

For construction exposed to made-up ground, including contaminated and/or industrial material, specialist advice should be sought so that the Design Chemical (DC) class can be correctly determined and a suitable concrete specified.

The most common form of chemical attack that concrete has to resist is the effect of solutions of sulfates that may be present in some soils and groundwater.

In all cases where concrete is subject to chemical attack, resistance is related to the free water/cement ratio, cement content, the type of cement and the degree of compaction. Well-compacted concrete will always be more resistant to sulfate attack than one which is less well compacted, regardless of cement type.

BS 5328 and BS 8500 incorporate a primary set of recommendations specific to concrete exposed to sulfate- containing groundwater and chemically-contaminated Brownfield sites.

Alkali-silica reaction
Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in concrete is a reaction between certain siliceous constituents in the aggregate and the alkalis - sodium and potassium hydroxide - that are released during the hydration of cement. A gelatinous product is formed, which imbibes pore fluid and in so doing expands, inducing an internal stress within the concrete. The reaction will cause damage to the concrete onlwhen the following three conditions occur simultaneously:
  •  A reactive form of silica is present in the aggregate in critical quantities
  •  The pore solution contains sodium, potassium and hydroxyl ions and is of a sufficiently high alkalinity
  •  Water is available.

If any one of these factors is absent, then damage from ASR will not occur and no precautions need be taken.

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